
Before everything, I have to start with this which is something truly one of the alpha and the omega meal when we talk about Hungarian food. The 'lecsó' (letsho), also publicly known as ratatouille - and mistaken with that too. Even that both has a common ground, they are completely different.

Usually made during summer in season, but in my opinion the early autumn 'lecso' is the best - tomatoes and paprikas hit with lesser hot sunlight in September, gives a better taste to the veggies.

Normally the best way to cook lecsó is that you use lard - especially good if you can purchase mangalitza pig lard instead the regular one. Making a 'lecsó' is really simple, no fuss at all, the key thing is to do not overcook it, and don't use much spice, only salt.

The base 'lecsó' itself is one of the best 'light' meal from july till october, and the best thing about it that you can always 'upgrade' the base, but no more than 2 ingredients: use roasted smoked and sliced chorizo or mushrooms, eggplant and parsley, or just bacon and eggs, or just plain steamed rice. When I was a kid the first lecsó I tasted  - beside the base one - were the egg, the chorizo and the rice ones.

Those are my favourites, still.

Give it a go, and try for yourself! :)

Ingredients: 5-6 regular paprika, 1 larger onion, 2 medium size tomato (peeled), 2 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of lard or 3 tablespoon of vegetable oil


1) Peel the onions, and chop it in half then use your knife to slice it thin. Wash the paprika and tomato, peele the tomato, and slice them in quaters. Clean the seeds out of the paprikas and slice them into approx half cm wide pieces. 

2) Heat the oil or the lard in a bigger pan. Drop the onions, season with salt, put it on medium head, constantly stir and cook until become glassy. 

3) Add the paprika, then cover it and cook for 15 minutes. It is good when you can cut through a slice easily with a spatula. Then add the tomato, cover it and cook another 10 minutes.

That's all.

What you can get it's summer or early autumn flavourful light dish (even though that you use lasrd!), that you can either eat, or use it as a 'lecsó' base next time.

• on this one I use the base and added some buttered fried chanterelle to it


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